Rissi Palmer Shakes Off Nashville and Creates Her Own Space in PBS Documentary ‘Still Here’

Jon Freeman
March 24, 2023
Music Country – Rolling Stone

Singer, activist, and Apple Music Country host recounts her journey and brush with the charts in new film

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Shoes Off Nashville

The brainchild of songwriter Benn Park, Shoes Off Nashville is a multi-faceted project created to celebrate and empower the Asian Pacific Islander community in Nashville, Tennessee. Live music showcases are held and interview articles are published every month.

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Rainbow Rodeo Podcast

Rainbow Rodeo is *the* queer country podcast, featuring interviews and playlists with your favorite LGBTQ+ country stars.

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Country Music Against White Supremacy

a group of BIPOC and white musicians, fans, and industry representatives committed to fighting white supremacy in country music. Take the #ChangeCountry Pledge.

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