Overcoming Homophobia to Sing My Truth

Jeremy Dion
October 18, 2024
Rainbow Rodeo

For the first time ever, I played the Rainbow Room at the Folk Alliance International this year. Performing as an openly gay man might not seem like a big deal for a professional musician and therapist, but it is to me. After years of self work and acceptance, being out as queer in public still makes me really uncomfortable. So I avoided it. Until now.

Jeremy Dion Caucasian male with short hair and glasses stands with guitar in front of a brick wall
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Proud Radio

Hosted by Hunter Kelly on Apple Music. Each show is a celebration of the progress we’ve made in the fight for equal rights and an important reminder of how far is left to go

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Shoes Off Nashville

The brainchild of songwriter Benn Park, Shoes Off Nashville is a multi-faceted project created to celebrate and empower the Asian Pacific Islander community in Nashville, Tennessee. Live music showcases are held and interview articles are published every month.

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Rainbow Rodeo

Rainbow Rodeo is YOUR queer country site, featuring art, essays, podcasts, interviews, and stories curated by the community, for the community. The articles are collected into a physical zine twice a year.

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